Безусловно моя

Алиса Ковалевская

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— Release me! I futilely tried to hide my fear. With a careless gesture, Molotov loosened his tie and threw it over his jacket. Every movement of his exuded threat. — There's a month until the elections, Kira, and you won't leave here until I win them. What happens next depends solely on you, — he ominously fell silent. — You have no right to keep me here! This is illegal! This is kidnapping! — The law here is me, you little nuisance, — he squinted. — Let me go, please... It came out plaintively and quietly, with tears and a plea. Molotov smirked. — You must be held accountable for your actions, Kira. Remember that. Makar Molotov - a scoundrel, holding power in his hands. I crossed him and can ruin his reputation before the city's elections. Now I am his captive for a month, and then... I am sure he won't let me go. And what comes next, I don't know, because he is capable of anything.

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