Дух леса – Комполэн

Автор Неизвестен
Zick Ryder
0ч 08мин
The most evil and cunning spirit of all was Kompolen — the Swamp Spirit. He tangled everything into a knot, set traps, ambushed, eavesdropped and revealed others' secrets, scared from the eyeless thicket, led into deadly places, laid a trail over the quagmire and suddenly disappeared underground, forever taking away whoever walked on it. The Mansi people could not see and decipher the Swamp Spirit Kompolen for a long time, in order to understand and not confuse him with another Spirit. Only the elders of the Mansi people, overcoming Fear, deciphered Kompolen, peering into the secrets of Understanding. Kompolen is not a beast, not a human, — wise fathers of the Mansi people said. — It is the force of Evil, it is a monster. It is born where a person deviates from the truth, where they secretly want to serve the Darkness, where they secretly hide a little meanness. And when they deciphered it, they started to guess. Kompolen — the Swamp Spirit — is half-man, half-beast. One leg of Kompolen is moose-like, with a flattened hoof, the other leg is horse-like, and Kompolen left behind two trails — either a herd of moose passed by, or a herd of horses galloped. Kompolen serves Fear and Darkness, penetrates the thoughts of people and the viscous thoughts of animals.

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