The Jukebox

Данимира То (Натт Харрис)

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A message from the performer: Restless spirits of deceased musicians - Pepe, the keyboardist, Gianfranco, the saxophonist, Flora, the vocalist, and myself, the unnamed narrator and trumpeter - wander like apparitions in old-fashioned bars. These establishments are adorned with jukeboxes, where various jazz compositions can be heard on records. Despite our circumstances, we jazz performers hold onto hope that one day, someone, preferably a woman, will choose our record. After our music is played, our souls will boldly depart from this earth and perhaps find solace in Krishnaloka, where we can entertain a genuine audience and receive true recognition. Of course, this notion is purely humorous, but as they say, jokes often contain a kernel of truth. So, will our heroes finally have their music heard? If you're curious, listen to the Jukebox miniature! Oh, I almost forgot! This mini-story has its own backstory, as everything around us that we hold dear does. During the jazz heyday in America, jazz stock exchanges emerged, where new jazz bands would appear rapidly, like mushrooms after rain. These bands would find their own producers, often by chance encounters at the stock exchange. Everything seemed to be going well, success within reach. However, one day, a jazz group produced their own hit song - a catchy tune with amusing lyrics and captivating music. It seemed destined to skyrocket the band to fame, as it had for other fortunate musicians. The band secured a producer who eagerly took charge, securing a record company and releasing their record. The anticipation grew for their hit song to dominate every dance floor. But alas, it was not meant to be. The producer vanished, absconding with the funds allocated for the record batch. Only a small fraction of the records made it to the market. Their masterpiece went unnoticed and underestimated. However, as you now know, the souls of these musicians cannot find peace until their hit song is heard. Thus, for nearly a century, they have lingered by the jukebox, eagerly awaiting someone to select their record. (Note: A jukebox is a semi-automated music-playing device that typically operates with coins and plays the selected music from self-contained media.)

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