The Mixer: история тактик английской Премьер-лиги от Фергюсона до Гвардиолы

Кокс Майкл
Робот Иван
14ч 56мин

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"The Mixer" is the first book to comprehensively explore the tactical history of the Premier League and provides a detailed overview of how the game has evolved over the past quarter century. From Ferguson's vertical style and Keegan's ruthlessly attacking Newcastle team to Mourinho's reactive Chelsea and Ranieri's counter-attacking Leicester, "The Mixer" is one of the most captivating and expert football books ever written.

Слушать аудиокнигу Кокс Майкл "The Mixer: история тактик английской Премьер-лиги от Фергюсона до Гвардиолы" слушать бесплатно

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