Часодеи.Часовой ключ

Щерба Наталья

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"Natalia Shcherba's 'Chronomancers. The Hourglass Key' is the first book in the renowned young adult fantasy series 'Chronomancers'. Vasilisa, an ordinary girl living with her grandmother, unexpectedly discovers that her father is a powerful mage in Eflara, a world built on special time magic. When she finds herself in a land of chronomancers, fairies, and lyutovs, Vasilisa becomes entangled in a dangerous game. Even her friends struggle to understand who she truly is - a bumbling fool who knows nothing about her origins, a spy sent by her father to seize the throne, or a mighty clockmaker who can control time and save Earth and Eflara from an impending collision. Natalia Shcherba's books have received numerous literary awards and have been translated into Ukrainian, Polish, and Czech languages."

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